By the end of the course. students will be able to:
- Understand what knowledge is captured by self-supervised models for NLP
- Understand the challenges of finding relevant information and updating models
- Build NLP systems that can combine multiple sources of information for reasoning
- Chose an information retrieval system appropriate for the task
- 4x4 hour sessions
- Start: 14:00, End: 18:00
- 2 hour lecture
- 2 hour hands-on lab
(all labs will involve training transformer models with huggingface library)
- (if not installed) Install python (e.g. Miniconda)
- (Conda example) Create environment for summer school. (virtual env also OK)
- conda create -n summerschool python=3.8
- conda activate summerschool
- Install dependencies
- pip install torch transformers datasets jupyter accelerate evaluate scikit-learn
- Make a jupyer environment
- python -m ipykernel install --user --name summerschool --display-name "Summer School”
- Open jupyter notebok